Reasons Why Your Online Store Sales Are Low, Though, You Get Traffic!
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You get traffic, but your Online Store Sales Are Low! let’s solve this problem!

An online store is a great way to increase revenue with very little overhead: you can generate around-the-clock sales on a global scale without the expenses or staff needed to run a brick-and-mortar store.
However, despite the fact that almost everyone is shopping online now, a lot of online businesses still struggle to make a profit and strive to answer the question “Why don’t they have sales even though they have traffic?”
But sure, there are a number of factors behind a customer’s decision to make a purchase, starting with the tiny details like the color of the “Buy Now” button.

Here are 6 tips and reasons that can be your roadmap to how to solve your revenue problems.

1- Poor quality pictures and descriptions of products

When customers shop online, they do not have the ability to inspect the product and see it in real. They are forced to rely on the images you provide, along with whatever description you have.

Therefore, the images and descriptions must be meticulously designed with every small detail to attract buyers to the item. If your image resolution is poor or relies solely on technical descriptions, and not in a simple way that is easy for shoppers to understand, you will lose a lot of sales because you will fail to attract interest in your products.

2- Lacking contact information.

Contact information may seem like a small detail, but restricting it to your website is a big red flag for consumers. You first want to build a channel of trust between you and your customers. They want to know that they can reach you if there is a problem. If you don’t display your location information (even without a retail store) and your phone number, you’ll have a hard time building trust with your customers.

3- Track how many of your website visitors are adding products to their cart?

This is an effective way to evaluate changes you might need to update to your store. Trying to know why your shoppers change their decision at the last stage.

If you find that a large percentage of shoppers do not add products to their cart, you need to pay attention to the following:

Are you Offering a variety of multiple photos to every product to browse through?
Make sure your Add to Cart button is in good size and color to easily find on both the desktop and mobile versions of your online store.
Remove an additional or lengthy version of a product description that make the “add to cart” button too far at the bottom of the page
Use bullet points, bold type, and other formatting options to make it easier to scan your product page.

4- You’re not targeting the right market for your business

You might be putting time and money into content marketing or advertising spend that doesn’t result in any revenue. If so, are you targeting the right people? Make sure you do audience research so that your marketing targets the right audience.
Targeting the wrong market means that all the hard work you put into each of your products and selling them goes to waste. It’s a big problem that I think holds back most online stores. A lot of people seem to think that they can open an online store and suddenly make a lot of sales, but it doesn’t really work that way.

5- You are not engaging with your customers.

Keep customers engaged throughout their buying journey to develop customer loyalty and collect valuable customer knowledge. More customer interactions lead to buyers finding your brand more valuable and providing you with customer insights. Participate in industry-related discussions to capture the attention of potential customers.

Most importantly, use content marketing to engage past and existing customers to keep them coming back, as you promote your content to new heights.

6- Is Your Website Easy to Navigate and visitors know clearly how to browse?

Likewise, with an e-commerce website, you need to make it clear what you want the customer to do on your site. Non-product pages should direct the customer with a clear call to action to make a decision. The most successful e-commerce sites tell customers exactly what to do; Don’t let them guess what’s next.

Hence, When your online store isn’t working as you hoped, your first assumption may be that there’s something wrong with your products. Your products are often just fine – that’s the problem with how to present them to the world. Once you identify the problem, you can work on fixing it. Then, watch your product sales rise!

Contact us at zVendo for an outstanding online store.

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