Effective ways to upgrade your eCommerce client relationships 2021
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Effective ways to upgrade your eCommerce client relationships 2021

The great truth is that all companies, whether SMEs or huge enterprises, agree about the fact that strong client relationships are the basis of the success of any company. Even better, they make everyday work more pleasant for everyone.

So what makes a strong client relationship? The same traits that define any great relationship: awareness, communication, understanding, dependability, responsibility, honesty, and the list goes on. Not just products and services they pay for, they now find themselves paying for is unparalleled customer service. Analysis shows that 8 out of 10 consumers are ready to pay a premium for a better customer experience.

This article will compile actionable ways that demonstrate achieving the best possible outcomes for both you and your customers from your eCommerce store

Understand how customers deal with your store and face bottlenecks

Support isn’t just about helping customers when they contact you while facing issues. It’s about recognizing exactly what your customers are going through and how they will move to solve their problems.

To do this, you will need to identify the various steps your customer goes through in interacting with you.

Try to map the customer journey to know where users are coming from – email / Google ads / social campaigns – their purposes at each stage and how long their journey will take. You can use a tool like Google Analytics to know how users navigate your site. Look at different focal points to distinguish trends and commonalities in their behavior.

Understanding the usual path that users take and recognizing issues they may face is the first step towards providing high-quality e-commerce support.

Be proactive in discovering and resolving issues before they escalate

Proactive customer support means helping your customers before they try to reach out to you for help. This will not reduce support communications, however also builds customer trust, which sequentially leads to improved retention rates.

Identifying patterns in customer inquiries and answering them with knowledge base articles is a great first step toward proactive customer support like the Help center section at zVendo, but it’s not the only way. Here are some ways you can be proactive with your support:

  • Recognize issues related to shipping, inventory, or other stages in the purchasing journey before the customer realizes there’s an obstacle.
  • Monitor social media conversations so you can listen and respond to what your customers are saying and better understand their needs.
  • Create valuable content (such as a blog, newsletter, or video) to help your customers get the most out of your products.
  • Constantly ask for feedback through surveys to clearly understand how customers feel and learn about things you can improve.

Automate as much as you can.

Automation allows greater efficiencies across business functions, and e-commerce customer service is no exception. Research notes that in a six-minute customer service call, agents spend 75% of the call time doing a manual search, giving only 25% to interact with customers.

Time is valuable. If you save support agents time while providing a better customer experience, then you will do both, right?

Moreover, today’s customers’ mentality is turning towards more self-service-oriented in the interest of time. Having an informative FAQ part on your website and chatbots with answers to countless common customer inquiries means more satisfied customers with improved service costs.

Deliver a unified omnichannel to Organize Your Customer Support.

Today’s tech-savvy clients interact with organizations through various channels, such as social media, email, self-help tools, help desks, SMS, etc. Among them, social media has grown into a popular channel. That’s why major brands and markets have dedicated social media accounts exclusively dedicated to customer support.

To provide fast and helpful support across multiple channels, you will need to select the appropriate eCommerce customer service program. However, don’t forget the human touch that joins it all together. Well-trained employees who can discuss customer concerns and deliver a positive image of your brand are the key component of providing first-class customer service.



Remember, this is not an individual process. You will need to track and measure the effectiveness of your efforts and continuously improve based on results.

By learning about the right tools and putting the right methods in place, you’ll ensure that you’re able to quickly scale your customer support efforts as your business grows. This puts you in a perfect position to present the best service to your customers and ultimately create a loyal customer base.

Contact us at zVendo for an outstanding online store.

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